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  • Writer's pictureScot Eckley

Thanks Sawyer!

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

Recently, I was getting ready to leave a job site when the client came out and said her 5 year old son had something for me. I went inside and he gave me a ‘work order’ with a few things he wanted included in the garden. He let me know that he definitely didn’t want a chalkboard outside as he and his little sister already had one inside. However, he was adamant that we include a hot tub and soccer field in the plan. The picture at the bottom of his work order is a hot tub.

We designed the backyard to be a very fun, interactive and adventurous play space for Sawyer and his sister. Part of this includes five large circular steel planters. I jokingly told his parents we could leave one of the circular planters empty and line it with a blue tarp. They could then fill it up with warm water – and voila – they would have a hot tub. If you want a good laugh, do an Internet search with the keyword “blue tarp pools” or check out this link to see DIY hot tubs.


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